The Finance Committee is responsible for;
• Exercise supervision over all financial matters, including the investment of endowment funds;
• Supervise the Financial Secretary, who with the cooperation of the Church Administrator, shall receive and record all pledges and all monies from all sources for church purposes; deposit the receipts to the credit of the church each week; make a report when called upon by the Finance & Endowment Committee; and send quarterly statements of account to each contributor.
• Arrange for an annual audit of the records of the Financial Secretary and Treasurer;
• Prepare a budget for review by the Board and presentation to the membership at the Annual Meeting;
• Act upon monthly bills as needed;
• Set up a system of receiving, counting and depositing all monies received by the church;
• In consultation with each committee/network responsible for staff employment and performance, review, consider suggestions and correlate recommendations for salaries in preparation of the annual budget; and
• Consult with the pastor to make recommendations to the Board concerning the Church Administrator, and interview candidates for that position, as needed.
• Exercise supervision over all financial matters, including the investment of endowment funds;
• Supervise the Financial Secretary, who with the cooperation of the Church Administrator, shall receive and record all pledges and all monies from all sources for church purposes; deposit the receipts to the credit of the church each week; make a report when called upon by the Finance & Endowment Committee; and send quarterly statements of account to each contributor.
• Arrange for an annual audit of the records of the Financial Secretary and Treasurer;
• Prepare a budget for review by the Board and presentation to the membership at the Annual Meeting;
• Act upon monthly bills as needed;
• Set up a system of receiving, counting and depositing all monies received by the church;
• In consultation with each committee/network responsible for staff employment and performance, review, consider suggestions and correlate recommendations for salaries in preparation of the annual budget; and
• Consult with the pastor to make recommendations to the Board concerning the Church Administrator, and interview candidates for that position, as needed.