The Mission & Social Action Committee is responsible for;
• In conjunction with the pastor, encourage interest and participation in the national and world missions of entities with which the church is affiliated;
• Initiate projects by which members of the congregation may engage in Christian mission by standing in solidarity with and caring for those in need;
• Serve as UCG representatives to local organizations that help those in need;
• Allocate the missions budget and arrange for its dispersal to recipients by the Church Administrator; and
• Initiate projects and actions that further UCG’s mission to work for peace and justice in the world.
The Mission & Social Action Committee is responsible for;
• In conjunction with the pastor, encourage interest and participation in the national and world missions of entities with which the church is affiliated;
• Initiate projects by which members of the congregation may engage in Christian mission by standing in solidarity with and caring for those in need;
• Serve as UCG representatives to local organizations that help those in need;
• Allocate the missions budget and arrange for its dispersal to recipients by the Church Administrator; and
• Initiate projects and actions that further UCG’s mission to work for peace and justice in the world.