Chose from the list of recent sermons by Dwight Davidson.
sermon12-30-12.mp3 |
sermon12-23-12.mp3 |
sermon12-16-12.mp3 |
sermon10-14-12b.mp3 |
A Place for Voices No One Wants to Hear
sermon12-9-12.mp3 |
Keeping House
sermon12-2-12.mp3 |
Why the System needs the Saints
sermon11-4-12.mp3 |
Dialog on Success:Chris Ramsey and Dwight Davidson
sermon10-28-12.mp3 |
What the Bible Says about Taxes
sermon10-21-12.mp3 |
What the Bible says about Military Spending
sermon10-14-12.mp3 |
Risking Hospitality
sermon9-30-12.mp3 |
sermon9-16-12.mp3 |
The Freedom to Think for Ourselves
sermon-9-2-12.mp3 |
Breaking Free from Cultural Christianity
sermon8-26-12.mp3 |
Escaping It's all about me Syndrome
sermon8-19-12.mp3 |
Letting Go of our Theological Baggage:
The Gospel to Gliese 581
The Gospel to Gliese 581
sermon8-5-12.mp3 |
Freedom From Church Inc
sermon7-29-12.mp3 |
July 22, 2011
"Leaving Behind Assumptions about Church, What is Church For Anyway?"
"Leaving Behind Assumptions about Church, What is Church For Anyway?"
sermon7-22-12.mp3 |
July 15, 2012
"Claiming Freedom from our Failures"
"Claiming Freedom from our Failures"
sermon7-1-12.mp3 |
June 17, 2012
"Breaking Free from Our Authority"
see download version just below this player:
"Breaking Free from Our Authority"
see download version just below this player:
june_16_fathers_day.mp3 |
May 27, 2012
"Creating, Spirit Come"
see download version right below this player
"Creating, Spirit Come"
see download version right below this player
creating_spiritcome5272012.mp3 |
Mother's Day
"Living Connected--Living Free"
"Living Connected--Living Free"
5-13-12momday_.mp3 |
May 6, 2012
"Sacred Hack Time"
5-6.12sacredhacktime.mp3 |
April 29, 2012
"Our Faith in a Flower"
"Our Faith in a Flower"
4-2912ourfaithinaflower.mp3 |
April 22, 2012
"Not Needing, Not Knowing"
"Not Needing, Not Knowing"
April 15, 2012
Imagine Creativity Series:
"The New Being"
Imagine Creativity Series:
"The New Being"
April 8, 2012 Easter Sunday
"Living the Resurrection"
"Living the Resurrection"
April 1, 2012
"If only you had known...."
"If only you had known...."
March 25, 2012
Guest Preacher Susan Lockwood
"Search for Signs of Truth: A Woman's Voice"
Guest Preacher Susan Lockwood
"Search for Signs of Truth: A Woman's Voice"
March 18, 2012
"Facing the Facts"
"Facing the Facts"
sermonfacingfacts.mp3 |
March 11. 2012
"Reflections on 'Occupy Jerusalem'"
"Reflections on 'Occupy Jerusalem'"
March 4, 2012
"Who does God Say we are?"
"Who does God Say we are?"
February 26, 2012
"Enough Truth to Move On"
"Enough Truth to Move On"
February 19, 2012
Guest Preacher Paul Burden
RockandRoll or Country: Transfiguration
Guest Preacher Paul Burden
RockandRoll or Country: Transfiguration
February 12, 2012
"Justice for the Earth"
"Justice for the Earth"
February 5, 2012
"When Justice Heals"
"When Justice Heals"
January 29,2012
"All the pieces go back in the box"
"All the pieces go back in the box"
January 22, 2012
"Come and See"
"Come and See"
January 15, 2012
"Justice-are you sure that's such a good idea?"
"Justice-are you sure that's such a good idea?"
January 8,2012
"Justice: What's Hell got to do with it?"
"Justice: What's Hell got to do with it?"